June 22, 2009

Jax is 2!

Happy birthday little man! Today is Jax's birthday and he has loved all the phone calls and singing! I think I have sang him Happy Birthday at least 2o times today! He has his own version which is "Happy Birthday to ME" as he hugs himself. It was unbearable today that we did not get to do what I wanted, which was go see the horses, dinner, and Union Station 3 of Jaxon's favorite things. Although we did get to make a stepping stone for the garden, went swimming, played games, and had a pretty awesome dinner and cake. Papaw came over for some cake and Jaxon conducted the Happy Birthday song very nicely. I love him so much he provides me with the best entertainment.

TOP 10 Things I Love About My Little Man
1. The way he says "I wove you mommy"
2. His smile, it is the most genuine smile I have ever seen. It makes me happy.
3. The way he loves to help pick up his toys and do the dishes. He is my little helper and if I ask him to help mommy he is more then happy!
4. The way he chases his dogs around the house shrieking with laughter, kind of like this video from when he was 10 months old...he still does it just like this.
5. The fact that he loves the big potty, and was super easy to potty train. The way now he thinks he does not have to wear any clothes around the house. Very likely if you come to the Davis household on any given day he is sporting a nice pair of Thomas the Train Undies and that is it.
6. The way he loves his sister. He loves to help with her as well. Today he gave Ella a ride on her swing on his lap, and carried her 2 Feet back to the changing table for a diaper change before he started screaming "SHES HEAVY!!"
7. The way he looks just like his daddy, I see it more and more everyday! I love his dimples (that he gets from his handsome daddy) the ladies will love them but not till he is 30!
8. The way he calls horses "neighs", ducks "quacks", cows "moos", etc...
9. That he learns something new everyday it is so rewarding being his mom!
10. He always has so much joy in his expressions! I love watching kids especially my boy because everything makes him smile, I love the fact that he is so free with no no worries. I wish it could stay like that forever!

I love you little man yesterday, today, and tomorrow too!

Here are a few videos of the birthday boy. In both videos I do believe he is only sporting his Thomas underwear, the man just loves to be comfortable!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

So sweet! Cale just started the potty training and has been in nothing but his undies since Monday too!