July 12, 2010

Munson: Teaser

More to come of this family, but since she is my sister she gets moved to the back of the line, there are advantages and disadvantages to being related to me, but until I have more downtime here is a teaser of my favorite and only sister and her gorgeous kids who so dearly dislike me :)

P.S. My sister's kids are not crazy about me especially as babies I hold them they scream, well my sister told me that I am not good with kids. That only happens to be about 75% of my job photographing kids, well I have come to realize that all kids love me....except hers! You win some you lose some :)

She is so sweet and adorable, and her eyes are gorgeous! Well she is sweet and adorable when her mom is holding her!

LOVE it!

Some of the cousins going down to play at the park and eat some ice cream!
P.S. Excuse the undies :)

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